
Practice your trivia skills: Movies



11. For the film "Raiders of The Lost Ark", what was Harrison Ford sick with during the filming of the Cairo chase?

Acid Reflux

12. Which of the following actors does not play a role in the movie "The Usual Suspects?"

Steve Buscemi
Benicio Del Toro
Kevin Spacey
Gabriel Byrne

13. Which movie sequel had improved box office results compared to its original film?

Speed 2: Cruise Control
Toy Story 2
Son of the Mask
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

14. Who was the director of "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)"?

Edgar Wright
Chris Miller
Phil Lord
Seth Rogan

15. How much money did the 2019 Marvel movie "Avengers: Endgame" grossed for it's record-breaking worldwide opening weekend?

640 million USD
392 million USD
1.2 billion USD
456 million USD

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