
Practice your trivia skills: Movies



101. In the 1971 film "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory", who played Willy Wonka?

Gene Wilder
Peter Ostrum
Johnny Depp
Shia LeBouf

102. Who is the director of the 1991 film "Silence of the Lambs"?

Frank Darabont
Stanley Kubrick
Jonathan Demme
Michael Bay

103. In "Jurassic World", which company purchases InGen and creates Jurassic World?

International Genetic Technologies
International Genetics Incorporated
Masrani Global Corporation
Biology Synthetics Technologies

104. Which movie released in 2016 features Superman and Batman fighting?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman v Superman: Black of Knight
Batman v Superman: Knightfall
Batman v Superman: Superapocalypse

105. The 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz" contained a horse that changed color, what material did they use to achieve this effect?

CGI Effect

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