
Practice your trivia skills: Politics



6. Who was the only president to not be in office in Washington D.C?

George Washington
Richard Nixon
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson

7. Who was the longest-serving senator in US history, serving from 1959 to 2010?

Strom Thurmond
Robert Byrd
Daniel Inouye
Joe Biden

8. What is centralism?

The grey area in the spectrum of political left an
Remaining politically neutral.
Conforming to one single common political agenda.
Concentration of power and authority in a central

9. Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War?

Stanley Baldwin
Neville Chamberlain
Winston Churchill
Clement Attlee

10. Which of these was an official candidate in the 2017 British General Election?

Robert Wimbledon
Sir Crumpetsby
Lord Buckethead
James Francis

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