
Practice your trivia skills: Science & Nature


Science & Nature

26. Which of the following plastic is commonly used for window frames, gutters and drain pipes?

Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Polyethylene (PE)
Polystyrene (PS)
Polypropylene (PP)

27. If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur what would grow?


28. A comet's gaseous envelope (which creates the tail) is called what?

The wake
The backwash
The coma
The ablative

29. What does the term "isolation" refer to in microbiology?

The nitrogen level in soil
A lack of nutrition in microenviroments
The separation of a strain from a natural, mixed p
Testing effects of certain microorganisms in an is

30. What is the largest living organism currently known to man?

Redwood Tree
Honey Fungus
Blue Whale
The Coral Reef

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