
Practice your trivia skills: Board Games


Board Games

6. In Magic: The Gathering, what card's flavor text is "Catch!"?

Lava Axe
Throwing Knife
Stone-Throwing Devils
Ember Shot

7. The board game Monopoly takes its street names from which real American city?

Charleston, South Carolina
Las Vegas, Nevada
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Duluth, Minnesota

8. In Yu-Gi-Oh, how does a player perform an Xyz Summon?

Add the Monsters' Levels Together to Match th
Overlay at least 2 Monsters of the Same Level
Banish A Number of Monsters From Your Hand And Dec
Activate a Spell and Send Monsters to the Graveyar

9. The board game, Nightmare was released in what year?


10. On a standard Monopoly board, how much do you have to pay for Tennessee Ave?


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